Kelly Garni at an early, early QR gig
Kelly Garni at an early, early QR gig
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Other Images in this Gallery
- Asian poster for the first Quiet Riot album featuring Kelly and Randy Rhoads
- Kelle Rhoads, Kelly Garni and Randy Rhoads at Kelly Garni’s B-day party back in the day
- Kelly and Randy live
- Kelly and a fan, James Killebrew at Randy’s gravesite
- Kelly far left ….teatime
- Kelly Garni at an early, early QR gig
- Kelly Garni at Ed Roman’s guitar shop
- Kelly Garni with the Rhoads brothers in a PRE-Quiet Riot band called Katzenjammer Kids around 1973
- Kelly played all the bass tracks on Quiet Riot II but Rudy is pictured
- Kelly with the thumbs up
- Kelly, Kevin, Drew and Randy, the original Quiet Riot
- The ORIGINAl Quiet Riot album a.k.a. QR1
- Young QR
- The cover of Kelly’s upcoming book ANGELS WITH DIRTY FACES
- The Randy Rhoads years
- Kelly, far right in the original QR
- Kelly, Kevin and Randy live
- Kelly and Randy jamming as kids
- Another childhood pic
- Kelly Garni and the original Quiet Riot
- Kelly on left in his new band Godmother of Soul featuring TomiRae Brown on lead vocals
- Kelly and powerhouse vocalist TomiRae Brown live