She’s been on the cover of virtually every magazine from Playboy to FHM to Penthouse, been inducted into the AVN XXX Hall of Fame, been in music videos, video games and even has an acclaimed and dangerously intense book but Tera Patrick still feels she has plenty of ground left to cover. Tera’s currently retired from “active duty” in the adult biz but has found true happiness and peace in motherhood, a new relationship and the excitement of running both her household and her multiple business projects. We’ve been impressed with her personality and have known she gives a great interview way going back to her first appearance on the Howard Stern show where she soon became a favorite guest. You’d be hard pressed to find an adult star who racked up more awards or accomplishments than Tera in the 2000’s, she’s earned the right to relax and truly immerse herself in a private life. It was a pleasure and a surprise that she agreed to catch us up on where she’s at now and let us see how 2012 has been to her. Read on….
Legendary Rock Interviews: Thanks for talking with us Tera…We have been longtime fans and would like to start off by asking you to describe what your typical day is like now that you’ve left the industry and become a “Mompreneur”…
Tera Patrick: Thank You! I get up early before my boyfriend and daughter and my little dog Chopper. It’s my “me” time. I pamper myself, do a little bit of exercise and eat well. This way… I’m ready for anything!!
LRI: Your business acumen is second to none but even you have had some legal entanglements with well known, unnamed entities using your content and not paying you your due. Do you cherish the business end of your work or does it simply complicate and endanger your personal relationships and friendships?
Tera: I set a precedent a long time ago to not F with me (laughs) but no really, I did…. By doing that I cemented myself as a business woman who conquered what many said I couldn’t and still continue to do so. I LOVE being a business woman in charge .
LRI: As you know, a lot of times starlets speak of their non-stereotypical backgrounds and education but your background really IS different than the expectation of the general public towards adult stars. Do you think if you would have continued on your career path in Biology and Health or runway fashion work you would have been fulfilled in that life or does everything “happen for a reason”?
Tera: No one ends up in the Adult Industry by accident (laughing). I’m fulfilled with my life then and fulfilled with my life now. We make choices and yes everything “happens” for a reason.
LRI: You have one of the most beautiful faces on the planet and one of the most exquisite figures as well. Most of the world male or female would love to have gone to high school with a girl like you. When do you recall getting comfortable with your body and the attention it illicits?
Tera: I’ve gone through phases of love/hate with my body all my life. At 13, I woke one day with 34D breasts!! I’ve made my living because of my body so I feel blessed. Pregnancy was the most amazing time of my life, I’ve never felt more healthy and beautiful. A big part of it was having a devoted boyfriend and just being full of gratitude for the experience!! I feel sexier, stronger, and the most sexual at this point in my life!!
LRI: How you feel about fans (male and female) still being turned on and still lusting after you even after retiring from the active biz? How do you feel about your experiences with fans in general over the years?
Tera: It’s amazing!! Please keep lusting!! I love being the object of fantasy and my fans are awesome and range in age, ethnicity, sex, gay, straight. Porn is universal. Everybody has sex!!!
LRI: As someone who’s worked with gorgeous stars with exotic backgrounds and considering your Thai/British heritage yourself, what is it that makes interracial or mixed racial scenes or content such an enduring turn on for the vast majority of the public?
Tera: Everyone appreciates beauty and beauty comes in all forms and variations. It’s that simple.
LRI: You’ve always been outspoken about the dangers in the xxx biz and it generally seems you are dead accurate to be concerned. Being a Hall-of-Famer and having been a manager or adviser to other starlets what is your take on typical newbie mistakes and how to avoid them?
Tera: You can’t avoid mistakes per se, everyone has to learn and go on their journey. I’ve always said, protect yourself physically and spiritually. Most important, listen to your inner voice, gut or instinct. Don’t question it.
LRI: You have a fantastic body of work and stash of content and your film legacy is captured perfectly on your website. Other than being mecca for all things Tera what does your website offer to people who have yet to check it out?
Tera: My page
www.terapatrick.com is the ONLY place where you will see ANY new Tera Photosets or video clips!! I have links to my Ebay store where fans can buy personal Tera items and a weekly updated journal.
LRI: Your book came out not too long ago and was remarkably candid and emotional. Was it difficult to be that naked emotionally for the world to see? Is it something you would recommend in terms of self healing or therapy?
Tera: Writing my first Novel/Memoir “Sinner Takes All” was cathartic for me. I’ve never done anything half-way. I was very diplomatic, against my publisher and most people’s wishes. They wanted more trash talk (laughs) but I’m a lady I just don’t and didn’t want to drudge up anything ugly.
LRI: Mainstream appearances have been a staple of your career and one of the reasons you rose to such heights. Everyone wants that appeal and exposure but to the average fan, the adult gig seems like you’re getting paid to have sex! Has the majority of the work with your clothes ON been as fun or fulfilling as your work in adult?
Tera: You mean “Naked VS Clothed” (laughs). It’s all fun. I never asked for “Mainstream ” work….. I still don’t. I get asked to do a lot of different things, everything from movies, singing on down.. honestly, I just would rather work with friends have fun. There’s still a lot I have to do and conquer!!!
LRI: What do you think of the obvious fascination with parody films in the adult biz. On one hand, they are pretty cool because it gives some of the girls and guys a chance to actually act and perform and they’re pretty funny sometimes. On the other, it’s the question…are they becoming almost a bit too common?
Tera: Well, what is left to do really? Everything has been done …. the porn business is not really original anymore is it?? Even in mainstream, all the old movies ,The Karate Kid and Nightmare on Elm Street and everything we’ve seen before are being remade, no originality there either!!
LRI: Based on your past, you are uniquely able to answer a question I usually ask everyone anyway. How real is the “rock and roll and porn” connection? How difficult is the reality of actually making it work?
Tera: I’m divorced from a former musician since 2009. I grew out of wanting a spoiled rotten, disrespectful, burnt-out boy with no job in my life (laughs). It didn’t work for me!! I moved on to way bigger and better things. I chose a beautiful, hardworking man and stability in my boyfriend Tony Acosta and we made a beautiful, healthy daughter!! But it’s awesome if it works for others!!!
LRI: With so many avenues already explored in xxx and not much more to discover do you see more fan- interactive projects becoming the norm?
Tera: I still make personal appearances, I love it! I love meeting my fans and they love meeting me!! I tour with The Naughty Show Comedy Troupe , trade shows, and my Rock Burlesque show.
LRI: Not to pry but as much as you’re willing to divulge.. is all wonderful in your heart, your bedroom and your private life these days?
Tera: Yes. All is wonderful in my life. I’m happier, healthier and having the most personal AND professional success at this phase in my life. It’s obvious, especially when people see and meet me, they can just tell. I love inspiring and am full of gratitude.
LRI: Thanks for giving us a little of your time. You are permanently etched on many of our minds in a most unique and wonderful way and many of us miss you desperately…are you comfortable staying in the public eye at least enough to keep us all happy?
Tera: Aww!! Thank you!! And, you’re welcome. Yes… I’m going to strut around for a long time always on tip toes or stilettos !! Many purrrrrs and grrrrrrrrrr’s!!! XOXO, Tera Patrick.
Tags: Evan Seinfeld, Jenna Jameson, penthouse, Playboy, Sinner Takes All, Tera Patrick
Category: Interviews
I wish I could meet Tera it would be so cool!!!