Jimmy Hiltula of Sister Sin Checks In From The Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival Tour

On Sunday, July 5th, I received a call from my buddy and fellow Legendary Rock Interviews writer Mike “Sarge” McIntyre that he & Sister Sin were in Hooker, Oklahoma en route to Minnesota. I told him “Head East another hour and you’ll go through Beaver….Oklahoma!” Knowing I lived in Southwest Kansas he ascertained how far I lived from Hooker, I advised him that I was 125 miles Northeast of his location. I asked what route he’d be taking and he said he was catching US-54 into Kansas, it was then decided we’d meet up in Greensburg Kansas which is 23 miles straight North of where I live. I asked if the band and him could use anything for the road, he enthusiastically replied “Beer! Anything above 3.2% ABV!” Thankfully, our local liquor store was open on a Sunday, beer was purchased and I was on my way to meet up with Sarge & Sister Sin!

Crash & Sarge of Legendary Rock Interviews – Greensburg, KS. – 07/05/2015
I met up with Sarge and Sister Sin in the Dillons parking lot in Greensburg, KS. Sarge, ever the quick thinker that I am not said we should do a quick interview and photo-op. Luckily, I came prepared as my cell phone had a recording app. We took care of the photo-op’s then retreated out of the 100+ degree and 30mph wind furnace that is a Kansas summer & into the air conditioned comfort of The Swedish warship “Sprinter” for my chat with Sister Sin guitarist Jimmy Hiltula.

Crash, BEER, Liv, Jimmy, Dave, Strandh – Greensburg, KS. – 07/05/2015
Legendary Rock Interviews: Just to bring everyone up to speed, will you give readers an introduction as to who you are and what it is that you do?
Jimmy Hiltula: My name is Jimmy Hiltula and I play guitar in Sister Sin.
LRI: Sister Sin is currently on the road with the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival. How many shows into the tour are you and how has it been so far?
JH: It has been going really good, actually. We are one of the bands that kind of stick out a little bit compared to the others. There are a lot of MetalCore type bands and we play Heavy Metal. We have been out just a little over a week. The reaction from the crowds have been overwhelming to say the least. We are very happy.
LRI: Sister Sin are on the Victory Records Stage. Who else plays on the bill with you?
JH: Whitechapel, Thy Art Is Murder, Jungle Rot, Sworn In, Shattered Sun, Feed Her to the Sharks, Code Orange, Kissing Candice and ourselves.
LRI: How long of a set do you get?
JH: We get a 25 minute set. Whitechapel play for 40 minutes, I think.

Jimmy Hiltula LIVE in Auburn, WA. on 06/30/2015
LRI: Have you had a chance to catch any of the Main Stage bands yet?
JH: No, not yet, actually. We have to leave by 7 or 8 in the night to get to the next show. I think we will have time in Milwaukee to catch the main bands because we have a day off the next day so we will stick around to see them.
LRI: Were any of the main stage bands, The Devil Wears Prada, Hellyeah, King Diamond or Slayer influential in your musical journey?
JH: For me, Slayer! Slayer was one of the first extreme bands I heard. I’ve listened to A LOT of Slayer through the years. They are definitely up there as a guitar influence when it comes to riffs and stuff, absolutely! I used to play in Thrash Metal bands before Sister Sin so they were a big influence.
LRI: Any crazy hijinx or stories so far on this tour?
JH: Not really! The crowds get crazy! (Laughs)
LRI: So, Sarge has been minding his manners and keeping his kilt on?
JH: (Laughs) Oh yeah! He’s been doing good but we will see! It is still early!
LRI: You have a headline show on the 7th in Minnesota. Are you looking forward to playing a full set?
JH: Yes! We have headline shows on July 13th and 14th, too. We usually play for 75 minutes or so on our shows. It’ll be good because we have played some of these songs for quite a while. We will get into it!

Jimmy Hiltula LIVE Auburn, WA. 06/30/2015
LRI: When you play your headline shows, is it all original material or will you mix in some cover tunes?
JH: We usually do our own songs but we do play “24-7” and sometimes some others.
LRI: How long does the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival go?
JH: Our last show on this festival is August 2nd. That is in Dallas. It is a total of 25 shows on the Mayhem Fest.
LRI: Will you continue touring the U.S. on your own or are you heading back home to Sweden?
JH: We are going back home. We have a couple of festivals booked back home in Europe then we will chill out for a bit then do a headline run in Europe in October and November. After that, we start writing for the next album.
LRI: Sounds like any of your U.S. fans want to catch you in 2015, they better do it by August 2nd!
JH: Yeah, excatly!
LRI: Anything you’d like to say to the fans or plug?
JH: Thanks to all the fans for the support and coming to the shows. Don’t forget to pick up our new album “Black Lotus”! Thank you for the beer, Crash!
LRI: No problem! Thanks for your time and I’ll let you get back on the road! Safe travels!

Sister Sin & Sarge bidding me a fond adieu – Greensburg, KS. – 07/05/2015
Get the latest on Sister Sin including Tour Dates, News, Merch and More:
http://www.sistersin.com/ -Official Sister Sin Website
https://www.facebook.com/SisterSin – Official Sister Sin Facebook
https://twitter.com/sistersin – Official Sister Sin Twitter
Special thanks to Mike Savoia for use of his AWESOME Sister Sin photos from June 30th in Auburn, WA.
Savoia Photography:
http://savoiaphotography.photoshelter.com/index#!/index -Official Mike Savoia Photography Website
https://www.facebook.com/SavoiaPhotographyLive – Savoia Concert & Event Photography
Category: Interviews