New Single & Discography Review – Moriah Formica

New Single & Discography Review – Moriah Formica
April 20, 2020 | By More

For being just 19 years of age, her musicianship, songwriting and vocals are light years beyond others who are in the music industry at her age. Not to mention, unlike her “contemporaries” who lack tangible talent not created by a computer, Moriah Formica has all the chops of a prodigious musician but she also has SOUL!

In an age of disposable bubblegum acts saturating mainstream media and radio, Moriah Formica is a breath of fresh, much needed air! Powerhouse vocals and blistering riffs all done by a 19 year old young lady who writes & performs her own music! Keep an eye on her, she’s going places!

Moriah Formica LIVE

Below is my review of Moriah Formica’s entire discography plus a few bonus goodies. It starts with her latest single “Better Off Alone” which just dropped today, April 20th 2020. The review runs in reverse order, from newest to oldest.

My sole reason for such an undertaking was partially inspired by my friend Jay at The Hook Rocks Podcast. He devotes a lot of time to discovering new Rock N’ Roll and spreading the gospel through his “New Music Spotlight” podcast series as well as a variety of Social Media posts on Twitter & Facebook.

Us lovers of Rock N’ Roll often piss n’ moan that there isn’t any good new Rock music. I call BULLSHIT! There is plenty out there, you just have to look and listen with open ears! Mainstream media isn’t going to feed it to you!

There are certain radio DJ’s who are stuck in the past and are only concerned with name dropping established musicians for personal gain or an ego boost! I am talking to you EDDIE TRUNK!

You have such an awesome platform through SiriusXM and your podcast that could help keep Rock N’ Roll thriving but you ignore so much fresh talent. Why? Lots of people know why but many don’t have the balls to say it for fear of losing your push!

I dare you to play the likes of Moriah Formica and younger artists. Hell, you may discover something that trips your trigger but better yet, your audience may discover it too and in turn, keep Rock N’ Roll moving forward! How about it, Eddie, play Moriah’s new single “Better Off Alone” on SiriusXM…I DARE YOU!

It is up to us fans of Rock N’ Roll to keep it alive and alongside The Hook Rocks Podcast, we at Legendary Rock Interviews hope you will give the new generation of Rockers a listen. With services such as YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Pandora, iHeart and the great Mom n’ Pops record stores, we have sooo many ways to discover new music. I’ve provided several different examples below and Moriah Formica is a GREAT place to start!

Better Off Alone – Released on April 20th 2020, this is Moriah’s newest single. While I’m happy it exists, I am old fashioned and wished it was on an entire new album but I understand that due the pandemic & the state of the music industry even before said pandemic that it does not make sense for artists these days to release albums. I still have hope though!

This tune scorches! It drips with attitude! From the lyrics of a woman scorned to the blistering fretwork and Moriah’s trademark powerhouse yet emotive vocals, this is a punch in the teeth! I like how she brings it down a bit in the middle. It just enhances the pain she is expressing.

I’m so thankful Moriah is sticking to her Rock N’ Roll roots and her vision instead of letting some suits pursuade her into selling out! With her talent and drive, she’ll get where she deserves to be & maintain her integrity in having done it her way!

Her parents raised one helluva young lady and I’m sure they must be very proud in thie next step she has taken with “Better Off Alone.”

Barracuda [Heart cover with Brooke C. on drums] – Released on April 12th 2020, I absolutely love Moriah’s interpretation of this Heart classic! There is definite chemistry with Brooke C despite the pandemic situation. These young ladies sure got chops!

I Remember You [Skid Row cover] – Released on April 1st 2020, Moriah handles all the instruments on this track as well as having produced and recording it. Paul Benedetti mixed this.

It is not an easy task to cover such an iconic song but Moriah nailed it! I tip my cap to her! I really hope that once this pandemic passes and Skid Row hits the road that they’ll take Moriah out. I think she’d be a great opener and it’d introduce her to a new audience!

Champion – Released on December 31st 2019, this single has more of a modern rock feel to it without sounding like a cheap Papa Roach or Three Days Grace knockoff. I really digg the groove laid down here.

The layers of guitar is just heavy. Lyrically, it is like a glimpse into the diary of a young lady but the message behind the lyrics is one of empowerment!

I Hate – Another standout track where Moriah bares her soul in the lyrics and vocals. For being 18 at the time, there is a real maturity to the lyrics that she writes. So much so that even this 41 year old can relate to watch she is singing. That speaks volumes because my music I enjoy has to be relatable and have depth & Moriah’s music has those qualities!

I Don’t Care What You Think – Unrelenting from the get go and delivered with such piss n’ vinegar. I ALMOST feel bad for anyone who dares get on Moriah’s bad side! I can envision the “Whoa Whoa” vocal lines having some intense fan interaction in a live setting…preferably in an arena where she belongs!

Here’s My Heart [Radio Edit] – Here we get the softer side of Moriah. This is a fantastic acoustic number with interesting sonic textures on her vocals in places and in the accompanying orchestration. It’s a shame radio is so cookie cutter because this would have done well on several formats at one time.

I Will – Starting off with stomp percussion before some sweet bluesy guitars come in. This tune has a very anthemic feel. I dare any 17 year old to match Moriah’s vocal prowess at that age with the aid of a computer program! This is the second songwriting collaboration between Sarah Lake and Moriah. I hope there will be more in the future.

Time – The riff that comes in after the few seconds of ticking clock has some serious metallic crunch to it before she lets it rip. I swear Moriah has to be the vocal spawn of Ann Wilson, Maria Brink and Amy Lee as I hear so much of their tone in her without being a clone.

The guttural scream she unleashes before the solo is chilling. The track was produced and co-written by Michael Sweet of Stryper & my buddy Tommy Diehl (ex-Spookie Daly Pride) plays drums on it. Small world!

No Regrets [feat. Sarah Lake] – A nice blend of acoustic guitar and modern technology is a cool twist in the discography of this young artist. It feels modern but not fake. You don’t often hear that these days. Sarah and Moriah sound so good together.

“Bring It On” EP Promo Video

Slave – Released in 2016 when she was just 15, the opening track from Moriah’s debut EP “Bring It On” does not waste any time bringing the rock! Heavy without sacrificing melody and catch as hell. This young lady just might be on to something!

Lovestrong – What a gorgeous guitar tone in the intro. Dustin DeLuke’s keyboards add a very orchestral accent. I REALLY love the solo even though it is brief. Moriah’s 80’s influence shines within this tune.

Broken Soul – This is without a doubt my favorite Moriah Formica original. You can feel the agony in Moriah’s delivery of the vocals. For as dark as the subject matter and the vocals are, the music is a nice juxtaposition.

2016 through 2019 was a dark time for me due to health issues, the murder of someone very dear to me and a very unhealthy work environment in 2019. While the lyrics may not match up completely to my situation, “Broken Soul” hit me in my core! I think I owe Moriah a hug if I ever have the honor of meeting her!

Back Off – I implore any woman in an abusive relationship to give this tune a spin. It will empower you to stand up and break free from the spineless asshole! The ferocity is matched by the vocal delivery of the message!

Save Me – Starting out acoustic but kicks in hard for a bit. You get a variety of tempos and moods on this one. There is some serious mojo on the solos provided by Dave Sacca.

Bring It On – Easily, this is the most aggressive song on the record. Michael Sweet of Stryper provides additional guitars, backing vocals and the solo. guest performer.

Whatever demons Moriah is fighting off lyrically here are no match for her will and sheer determination. Another empowering song for any situation. I read in an interview that she wrote these songs between the fifth and eight grade.

Hard to imagine that such hard hitting and well crafted lyrics came between the age of 10 to 14…wow!

Official Moriah Formica website:

Moriah Formica Official Website:

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  1. gene says:

    how can i purchase the cd “BRING IT ON”?
