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Jeremy Asbrock Discusses The John Corabi Live ’94 Album and Playing With The Gene Simmons Band

August 26, 2018 | By | Reply More
Jeremy Asbrock Discusses The John Corabi Live ’94 Album and Playing With The Gene Simmons Band

Talk about delays!! This interview was conducted many months ago after the John Corabi Live ’94 album came out. Unfortunately due to some technical and personal issues, I was unable to get this interview up when I planned to. I want to thank my trusty old co-worker Erich who was able to recover the audio […]

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Deen Castronovo Discusses The Dead Daisies, Journey, and How He’s Grateful To Be Alive

August 16, 2018 | By | 1 Reply More
Deen Castronovo Discusses The Dead Daisies, Journey, and How He’s Grateful To Be Alive

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to speak with legendary drummer, Deen Castronovo. Deen has a jam packed schedule this week as him and The Dead Daisies began their US Tour last night in Cleveland, OH. He also celebrates his birthday tomorrow (Friday, August 18th). As you will read in the interview, Deen has […]

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