Tag: Drew Forsyth
Book/DVD Review- Randy Rhoads, The Quiet Riot Years by Ron Sobol, Red Match Productions

“Randy is still a part of my life, I never feel like he is gone unless I see a photo from his gravesite. Otherwise to me he is on another extended tour” Ron Sobol says in his new book and dvd set “Randy Rhoads, The Quiet Riot Years”. There have been many books written about […]
Quiet Riot original bassist and co-founder Kelly Garni talks Randy, Kevin and his new book with LRI

Kelly Garni has lived a life worth writing a book about. He started a band with one of the most legendary guitarists of our generation but he had no idea that he and Randy Rhoads, his best friend from Junior High, were writing pages of rock and roll history. Kelly is a kind and interesting […]
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