Tag: Oklahoma
SEASONS AFTER Announces Rebels and Renegades Tour with SHALLOW SIDE & GUNS OUT AT SUNDOWN

Seasons After will be hitting the road after the holidays! Safe travels to our friends Chris Dawson, Tony Housh, Jimmy Beattie, Ryan Kennedy and Nick Denham! Knock ’em dead kids, The LRI Staff From Seasons After….. We are happy to announce that we are heading out on tour with the guys in Shallow Side and […]
Bye Felicia! Not the end of an era! KISS vs Eddie Trunk & The Grinch That Cancelled KISS-Mas

WARNING:If you’ve come here seeking cozy yuletide greetings, fruitcake, hot apple cider and sweet cozy ramblings, you’re at the wrong place because I’m feeling so UNHOLY because HATE is what I am because underneath this heart there beats the heart of a man! The opinion/rant below are of Crash Crafton’s mind and his mind alone! […]
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