Tag: Phil Lewis

GIRL guitarist Gerry Laffy talks about the 70s U.K. scene, JohnTaylor and the two Phils

April 4, 2012 | By | 2 Replies More
GIRL guitarist Gerry Laffy talks about the 70s U.K. scene, JohnTaylor and the two Phils

As a kid of the 80s I found out about GIRL after reading articles on the bands that rose out of the ashes of their demise, DEF LEPPARD and L.A. GUNS (GIRL  featured Phil Collen and Phil Lewis respectively).  After seeking out their albums at various out of the way shops, I was hooked.  GIRL […]

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ex- Ozzy / Gillan guitarist Bernie Torme of G.M.T. talks about his career from punk to glam to metal and everything in-between

March 30, 2012 | By | 1 Reply More
ex- Ozzy / Gillan guitarist Bernie Torme of G.M.T. talks about his career from punk to glam to metal and everything in-between

  Bernie Torme is a beast on the guitar.  You don’t get asked to play with people like Ozzy or Ian Gillan if you’re not, so that’s common knowledge.  Still, you get the feeling looking over his elaborate resume that perhaps his greatness has flown slightly under the radar, especially here in the United States. […]

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