Tag: randy rhoads
Book/DVD Review- Randy Rhoads, The Quiet Riot Years by Ron Sobol, Red Match Productions

“Randy is still a part of my life, I never feel like he is gone unless I see a photo from his gravesite. Otherwise to me he is on another extended tour” Ron Sobol says in his new book and dvd set “Randy Rhoads, The Quiet Riot Years”. There have been many books written about […]
Lita Ford talks about her Runaways days, her new album and much more with LRI

When the phone rings and the person on the other end happens to be a living legend you listen. When that person introduces herself as “Lita Fuckin’ Ford” it starts to sink juuust a little further in. Lita Ford is not only a certified rock star and guitar icon but also the object of fanboy […]
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