Tag: Slash
Guns N’ Roses insider and author Marc Canter gives an EPIC interview with LRI

Marc Canter had a front row seat and a backstage pass to the rise of “The World’s Most Dangerous Band” a.k.a. Guns N’ Roses. The band attended his wedding and Slash played at his son’s bar mitzvah. If you’ve read Slash or Steven’s books you’ve probably already heard about how Marc, Slash’s old BMX […]
ADLER’s Steven Adler, Lonny Paul and Jacob Bunton talk Rock Hall of Fame, GNR and their new recordings

Steven Adler always wanted to be a rock star and in the process found all the girls, fame, money and yes, drugs that come with that job description. He can add one more notation to that legendary resume now as he is most definitely NOT declining the induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of […]
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